LOVE - the highest vibration of all

Love - the highest vibration of all, available as a choice, through free will, to co-create your experience in this lifetime. With God, universe, higher power as your compass, and tuned in to your heart, nothing is impossible. Miracles are real and everything is energy. Shift your vibration to the frequencies that align you with your highest path. Self love - from the soul, not the ego, will allow for recognition of what's in your best optimal possibility of creating your dream life and true soul purpose. When contemplating and making choices, always ask, is this voice coming from the ego self (mind) or the soul-self (heart)? Life is precious, fleeting and eternal! Use yours wisely and ask for constant support and re-direction to stay on your highest possible path to do God's will. Be a humble servant to the divine, cuz we all came from the same place and returning to it :)

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