Flower Farm-acy App

In a world where belief structures orchestrate and paint our realities, a healthy emotional and mental state is vital for wellness. Flower remedies are used for comfort, self improvement, emotional intelligence, mental clarity, and psychological wellness. They have a subtle yet powerful influence on the emotions, mind, and mood. They can help resolve deep chronic trauma and experiences buried in the subconscious and unconscious, that would otherwise be difficult to access. Our outlook, perceptions, and beliefs shift within the conscious and unconsciousness, and we are supported as we change. Flower remedies help in becoming more aware of your true self and personal purpose in life. They help the mind improve our emotional health. Balance your mind and emotions, and health of the body will follow.

Bach Flower remedies are based on 38 plant essences picked to balance emotions and moods. They are homeopathically prepared liquid tinctures, made from flowers. 100% natural and safe, flower essences are extracts of plant. Dr. Bach intended these remedies to be a simple, self-help tool available to all people. We recommend the Bach Flower remedies to recover from and restore balance to negative emotions. These 38 healing plants address the different states of mind. When taken properly, they can change belief structures and behaviors.

Thanks and credits to:
Larry O’Pella, Architect
Luiza Reingatch, Designer
Vidya Srinath, Developer
Negar Kidman, Symbol artwork